Faith Butta

Faith Butta
December 2021
Dissertation Title: Location! Location! (Al)Location! An Evaluation of Housing and Supportive Service Locations for the Formerly Homeless: The Case of Charlotte, North Carolina
Dissertation Defense Date: Fall 2021
Ph.D. Expected:
December 2021
Degrees and Credentials:
Master of Public Administration, UNC Charlotte 2014
Research Interests:
Social Inequality, Nonprofit Management, Homelessness
Recent Research and Publications:
- Butta, F. and Carman, J.G. (2018). Accountability: Breaches and Trust. In Global Encyclopedia of Public Administration, Public Policy, and Governance. Springer International Publishing.
- Butta, F. (2018). A post-recession look at state differences in homelessness. Poster session presented at the American Political Science Association State Politics and policy Conference, State College, PA.
- Millesen, J., Carman, J., & Butta, F. (2017). Exploring the variation in board performance: Insights from board self-assessments. Paper presented at the Association for Research on Nonprofit
- Organizations and Voluntary Action Conference, Grand Rapids, MI> Butta, F. (2017). Life after the uniform: Women veterans and voter turn out in presidential elections. Paper presented at the joint North Carolina Political Science Association and South Carolina Political Science Association Conference, Rock Hill, SC. (Fidelity Investments Best Graduate Paper recipient)