Talking Policy In the Queen City – 2018

The event Talking Policy in the Queen City: Managing Conventions, Elections, and Mobilizing Voters was an evening of community engagement and networking with two short panels of thought-provoking flash talks and panel discussions with time for networking and conversation after each. The first panel explored the importance of public perceptions of event management, and the challenges of managing political conflict in public spaces with a focus on national political conventions. The second panel focused on the challenges of managing elections and engaging the public through non-partisan mobilization. During breaks between panels, attendees networked with speakers, and UNC Charlotte faculty, students, and alumni who conduct research on public policy, public administration, and civic engagement at the local, national, and international level.
Featured guest speakers included Robert Hagemann, City Attorney for the City of Charlotte, Michael Dickerson, Director of Elections, Mecklenburg County and Elizabeth Goodwin, Co-Founder of #WTFweVOTE (We’re the Future).
This event was hosted by the University of North Carolina at Charlotte’s Public Policy Program in association with the Gerald G. Fox Masters of Public Administration Program, and the UNC Charlotte Urban Institute, and was supported by the Marshall A. Rauch Endowment